Chapter 5 - E-mail
- Understand the need for secure email
- Outline the benefits of PGP and S/MIME
- Understand e-mail vulnerabilities and how to safeguard against them
- Explain the dangers posed by e-mail hoaxes and spam, as well as the
actions that can be taken to counteract them
- PowerPoint
- Test
- Vocabulary
- Chapter Assignment: review questions 1 - 20
- Project: Web research on hoaxes and viruses: Find 3 different web sites
that tell you about viruses and hoaxes (not vendor specific e.g. and don't count). Put into
your notebook what the top three hoaxes are at those sites. Then go to MacAfee
or Symantec's website (or the site of the virus protection you use) and find
their top three threats.
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