What does it take to
coordinate Lamar Community College’s Agricultural
Studies programs? A passion for agriculture, a love of
teaching, and a whole lot of energy.
Del Chase, LCC’s coordinator of
agricultural studies, teaches, advises students,
develops curriculum and course delivery models, creates
and improves existing articulation agreements with
4-year institutions, coordinates recruiting of ag
students, and supervises LCC’s ag faculty. His main
emphases outside the classroom have been to continue to
strengthen LCC’s ag programs, in part by developing
articulation agreements with four year colleges and
universities, and expand continuing education courses to
the local ag industry.
Chase’s love for agricultural youth
fuels his compassion to make LCC’s agriculture programs
challenging and rewarding. “We have some of the most
knowledgeable instructors that truly care about the
success of their students. We believe that our ag
programs are the ‘The Best in the West’,” explains
A resident of McClave for over twenty
years, Chase was an ag education instructor as well as
FFA advisor for twenty-one years, sharing
responsibilities with Don Thorne for the last six.
During his tenure, McClave FFA won multiple state and
national awards for its innovative and successful
endeavors. A Colorado native, Chase was born and raised
in Flagler. He graduated from Colorado State University
with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and a Masters
of Agriculture. His wife, Lori, and daughter, Tatum,
reside in McClave and are involved in family ranching
and farming enterprises.